Creating Classroom Agreements

Creating Classroom Agreements: A Guide for Teachers

When it comes to creating a positive and respectful learning environment, classroom agreements are an essential tool. Classroom agreements are a set of rules and expectations that are collectively agreed upon by the teacher and students at the beginning of the school year. The process of creating classroom agreements promotes collaboration, builds trust, and helps students take ownership of their learning. In this article, we`ll explore the steps to create effective classroom agreements.

Step 1: Start with a Positive Tone

The process of creating classroom agreements should start with a positive and supportive tone. Teachers can begin by acknowledging the students` strengths and the positive qualities they bring to the classroom. This can be done through a class discussion where students are encouraged to share their skills, interests, and goals for the school year.

Step 2: Discuss Expectations and Goals

The next step is to discuss expectations and goals for the classroom. Teachers can guide the conversation by asking questions such as:

– What kind of classroom environment do we want to create?

– What behaviors will help us achieve our goals?

– What behaviors will hinder us from achieving our goals?

Teachers can also share their expectations for the classroom, such as coming to school on time, being respectful to others, and participating in class discussions.

Step 3: Collaboratively Develop Classroom Agreements

Once the expectations and goals have been discussed, it`s time to collaboratively develop classroom agreements. This can be done through an open discussion or by having students work in small groups. The classroom agreements should be written down and displayed in a visible place in the classroom.

Step 4: Review and Reinforce Classroom Agreements

Classroom agreements should be reviewed and reinforced throughout the school year. Teachers can do this by regularly referring to the classroom agreements, acknowledging when students are following them, and providing gentle reminders when needed. It`s also important to revisit the classroom agreements periodically and revise them if necessary.

Step 5: Celebrate Successes

Finally, it`s important to celebrate successes. Teachers can do this by acknowledging when students are following the classroom agreements and celebrating their achievements. This can be done through verbal praise, positive notes, or a classroom party.


Creating classroom agreements is an effective way to promote a positive and respectful learning environment. The process should begin with a positive tone, involve discussions about expectations and goals, and be collaboratively developed by the teacher and students. Classroom agreements should be reviewed and reinforced regularly, and successes should be celebrated. By following these steps, teachers can create a classroom environment that promotes collaboration, builds trust, and helps students take ownership of their learning.



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